Bow View Manor: Short Story

The Unexpected Journey

Image result for beautiful banff

This story is inspired by the life of ,Brian Strauss, a very warm and caring individual who is capable of sharing a world of stories in very few words. While speaking with him I was able to see an individual who truly enjoys and appreciates the world around him such as the mountains and forested areas right outside of Calgary. Finally, within the few short minutes that we spoke for I was able to learn a lot.

He looked around, surrounded by the hum of the wind as he enjoyed the view. Mountains left and right the air was so crisp and clean in comparison to where he previously was the warmth from the sun washed over him. Today was a good day, he had an intuitive feeling about it. The day he’d been anticipating for, yearning for had arrived. He’d just have to wiggle a bit more through the queue and it would be his turn, his chance to explore the beautiful world that surrounded him all his life.

He looked at his friends, they were of all shapes and sizes but it didn’t matter. They would explore the world together! Even Larry at the end who’d looked a bit sick lately. He readied his voice and gave the command and they began pushing and shoving.

Before they knew it, it had happened. They were free, the adventure had begun and they were now bounding to lands where…oh God! Who knows! He stood there for a moment relishing in the freedom that he had been given. Places they had only seen from pictures online, landscapes that they merely heard from other people, and a new home among new and exciting friends.

The landing had been quite rough but they had managed. Larry had gotten separated from them but not to worry, he would probably catch up later once he’d recovered. As we landed I remember seeing some workers down below they had huge machines embedded in the ground they were gathering oil; my father worked in the coal mining industry he was always so strong willed and prepared for anything. Seeing that canyon reminded me of all of the good times that the two of us had together. He remembered going on long walks with his father when he took him to the park and they would talk on and on about whatever was on their mind that day.

Their next journey began as if he had to say it.

It had been a rough couple of days but it could only go up from here. Larry hadn’t come back yet but he could still make it although their room had been quite small it hadn’t seemed like they had moved a lot. Next time he was definitely upgrading their tickets, they had been stuck between at least a thousand other passengers and he was happy he’d been in the middle. He couldn’t imagine the guys on the sides, they must’ve been crushed.

The next time he woke they had apparently arrived because they were all sitting on a balcony. The view was kind of horrible, and the sun wasn’t nearly as warm as it used to be. Now that he looked more closely there also seemed to quite a lot of them… those creatures he’d only ever seen one at home. All of that was quickly forgotten when he saw the creatures walked past him. One of them was moving straight towards them. They seemed a lot larger. A lot larger! It picked them up and dropped them.

It seemed a bit rough but at least, they had been the only travelers this time. He’d have to talk to the agency when he figured out who they were. Now they were sat in what appeared to be a see-through barrier. This place also had multiple suns but these were warmer than the former place.

Another one of the creatures moved towards them, much smaller than the others but it seemed to be very interested in them. It hovered over them for a bit before one of its claws moved towards him. It grabbed a hold of him and before he knew it, it ripped him from the others. He looked down at his friends as he moved towards the little creature.

As the boy took a bite of the banana, his mother looked at him.

“Oh Jonathan, we’re having dinner in less than an hour. You won’t be able to eat anything!” and they both laughed as he threw the rest of it out.

His eyes slowly opened tears were welling up in his eyes, it was only just a dream.

This story is inspired by the stories that I received from an amazing man named Brian Strauss I heavily appreciated the brief that time that I spent speaking with him. He is a very humble man and I was able to hear and envision the experiences of a man who has seen the beauty in the natures of the world.



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